Visit the PTD: Pokemon Center - a place to trade pokemon, view your items and change your avatar!
What's new in v3.7.1 - For more details go here.
- Team Rocket Mystery Gift Avatar - Solve the Mystery Hunt to get your very own Team Rocket Avatar!
- New Story Level - Lavender Town -Arriving at Lavender Town you meet a familiar face, and find out the Team Rocket is recruiting members in Lavender Town.
- Added Girl Bug Catcher Avatar - You can get this if you have the boy bug catcher just go to the Pokemon Center and pick here.
- Adding a sort by Level button for the storage
- Making the "Super Effective" targeting option use the current move's type instead of the tower's type
- Bug Fix - The Shiny Voltorb Quest will now accept Electrode and Pikachu at level 42 or higher.
Where can I play?
- Play here on the blog by clicking on the "Play PTD!" tab.
- Download the EXE, SWF or APK by clicking on the "Game Downloads Link" tab.
- PlayTowerDefenseGame (Not yet updated)
- FreeWorldGroup (Not yet updated)
- Gamerfish (Not yet updated)
- OneMoreLevel (Not yet updated)
- NewGrounds (Not yet updated)
- MiniJuegos (Not yet updated)
Let's talk about the Daily code and how it works.
Once a day you can go to the Pokemon Center and go to the Daily Code Section and request a code. There are different codes that you can request. Each code has different chances to win prizes. Each code has a different cost and requirement to get.
Regular Daily Code - Cost: 1,000 - Requirements - None - Possible Prizes
- No Prize - Chance to get - 67%
- Pidgey with Breeding Move "Faint Attack" - Chance to get Code - 10%
- Rattata with Breeding Move "Reversal" - Chance to get Code - 10%
- Abra with Breeding Move "Fire Punch" - Chance to get Code - 1%
- Pikachu with Breeding Move "Charge" - Chance to get Code - 1%
- Shiny Bulbasaur (lvl 5) - Chances to get Code - 0.1%
- Shiny Squirtle (lvl 5) - Chances to get Code - 0.1%
- Regular Raikou (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.001%
- Regular Suicune (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.001%
- Regular Entei (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.001%
- No Prize - Chance to get - 28%
- Pidgey with Breeding Move "Faint Attack" - Chance to get Code - 30%
- Rattata with Breeding Move "Reversal" - Chance to get Code - 30%
- Abra with Breeding Move "Fire Punch" - Chance to get Code - 5%
- Pikachu with Breeding Move "Charge" - Chance to get Code - 5%
- Shiny Bulbasaur (lvl 5) - Chances to get Code -0.5%
- Shiny Squirtle (lvl 5) - Chances to get Code - 0.5%
- Regular Raikou (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.005%
- Regular Suicune (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.005%
- Regular Entei (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.005%
- Pidgey with Breeding Move "Faint Attack" - Chance to get Code - 39%
- Rattata with Breeding Move "Reversal" - Chance to get Code - 38%
- Abra with Breeding Move "Fire Punch" - Chance to get Code - 10%
- Pikachu with Breeding Move "Charge" - Chance to get Code - 10%
- Shiny Bulbasaur (lvl 5) - Chances to get Code -1%
- Shiny Squirtle (lvl 5) - Chances to get Code - 1%
- Regular Raikou (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.01%
- Regular Suicune (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.01%
- Regular Entei (lvl 40) - Chances to get Code - 0.01%
Now let's talk about Pokemon Adoptions, a lot of pokemon have been abandoned by their trainers due to all the incidents happening with Mewthree and such. Using your SnD Coins you will be able to adopt a pokemon of your choosing, the rarer the pokemon the more coins it will cost. Here are some examples of possible pricing and categories.
- Common Shiny like Pidgey, Zubat etc will cost 1 SnD Coin to adopt.
- Uncommon Shiny Pokemon like Pikachu, Magikarp, Drowzee will cost 5 SnD Coins to adopt.
- Rare Shiny Pokemon (pokemon you can't find in the wild) like Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur will cost 10 SnD Coins to adopt.
- Legendary Pokemon like Shiny Mew, Regular Entei, Regular Suicune, Regular Raikou will cost 20 SnD Coins to adopt.
The cool thing about the coins is that you can save them up for the future or save them up for a different game like Ninja-ja or Hero Tower Defense. All our games will use the SnD coins for special gifts that will save you time and make you look unique.
Now on to the progress list for v3.8!
- Daily Codes
- Pokemon Adoption and SnD Coins
- Trades will only last up for 3 days (0%) - This will prevent old trades from staying there and the trainers never responding to request. Viewing your trade request will reset this timer so you will get 3 more days.
- Distribution (0%)
- New Title Screen (100%) - The artist finally got back to me! His prize is a Legendary Dog of his choosing and he choose Suicune!
- Graphics (100%) - Thanks Ingo-Lingo! Visit his Deviant art page!
- Implement in game (100%)
- New Story Level (100%) - Traveling to Celadon City Route 8 & 7
- Level Intro (100%)
- Level Layout (100%)
- Level Waves (100%)
- Level Ending (100%)
- New Mystery Gift - (100%)
- Graphic (100%)
- Implement in game (100%)
- New Pokemon to Capture (1) (100%)
- Graphics (100%)
- Shiny Graphic (100%)
- Implement Stats in game (100%)
- New Moves (1) (100%) - Baton Pass
- New Pokemon Evolutions (3) (100%)
- Graphics (100%)
- Shiny Graphics (100%)
- Implement Stats in game (100%)
- New Moves (2) (100%)
- Aurora Beam (100%)
- Aqua Ring (100%)
- Forms of hacking will make the game go to the main screen automatically without warning (100%) - This will cover the previous adding candy, I won't be adding candy to levels that didn't have them.
- Bug Fixes (100%)
- Add more space to the bottom of the Lavender Town level (100%) Thanks Pokedaddy!
- In the Diglett Cave the screen becomes black after Serge tells you to follow Team Rocket.(100%)
- Added Dynamic Punch to Machop, Machoke, Machamp's TMs list (100%) Thanks everybody who brought it up.
- Let Legendary Dogs learn TMs (100%)
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