Hi All, I am B. Lynn. I hang out on Twitter under http://twitter.com/b_s_lynn and met Jeremy through there under http://twitter.com/WastexGames. I have met other gamers there and the one who got me started with this blog post is Adam Page from http://twitter.com/blindgeekuk who started a thread called #FridayFeat. This thread was started because a number of us do not do the Follow Friday (#FF) stuff this was a nice alternative way to get conversation going. It has been a lot of fun, and hopefully you will enjoy reading these and tearing them apart, if you disagree, and putting them back together to share how you think they would work best in all game worlds or just in your game world.
This first post will include all the my FridayFeat(s) that I have already released through Twitter then Adam posted on his D&D group's web-site ( http://www.leedsdnd.co.uk/ ). There are others who also posted on Twitter, but because those ideas are not mine they will stay on the Leeds D&D web-site and not be posted here.
Mistletoe's Friend
once per encounter
Hit:treat melee weapon damage as silvered
Threaten Reach
For the rest of the encounter if using a reach weapon attacks you make have threatening reach but cannot threaten adjacent squares.
Unbound Mind
When using an augmented power once per day you can augment up to augment 2 without spending power points.
Stalwart Mind
your Defended Mind bonus is +6 instead of +2
Warrior's Goring Charge
add 1[W] damage per tier to your Goring Charge damage on a successful hit.
Slicing Shard Swarm
when you use your racial power those affected also take 1d4 damage.
Improved Blurred Step
You may teleport to any square adjacent to the target as a shift.
Reaching Mind Spike
range on your Mind Spike power becomes Close burst 2
Bloodied Resistance
Use your Battle Resistance power on either the first attack or on the first attack after being bloodied in an encounter
Blink Thought
your Speed of Thought power can be a teleport instead of a move
More Demanding
You may spend a power point to add one more target to your Battlemind's Demand as a minor action
Broad Mind
you may use any of the four psion power features but only two per encounter
Inevitable Power
any single target Seeker ranged power you have can benefit from Inevitable Shot power
Ensnaring Spirits
You may pull instead of push targets of your Encaging Spirits class feature, the area on the power becomes close burst 2
Personal Alacrity
target on your Ardent Alacrity includes you.
Fearful Presence
(keyword added:fear) Ardent Outrage moving towards the Ardent is treated as moving through difficult terrain
The Right Demeanor
Prerequisites:Ardent:Mantle of Elation
Bonus to Intimidate and Diplomacy includes all CHA based skills
Prerequisites:Ardent:Mantle of Clarlty
Bonus to Insight and Perception applies to all WIS based skills.
Basilisk's Teeth
Spirit companion is an ancient stoned-eyed basilisk target of Spirit's Fangs is slowed until end of next turn
Boar's Tusk
Spirit companion is an ancient boar which inflicts blinding sickness(dmg49) w/ Spirit's Fangs damage
Viper's Fangs
Spirit companion is ancient snake who deals additional on-going poison 5 damage (save ends)
Wolf's Fangs
Spirit companion is an ancient wolf who knocks the target prone when hitting with Spirit's Fangs
Focused Elemental Spirits
All summoned spirits with an elemental keyword are changed to a single one chosen at feat selection
One With The Earth
Prerequisites:Dwarf or Gnome or Goliath
You gain Tremorsense 5
Intimidating Athlete
Others find your size and build intimidating, Powerful Athlete also adds to Intimidate
Child Of Onyx
You gain a +2 to stealth checks
Combat Sport
You may use a light shield on your off hand with a -2 to attacks, while wielding a 2-handed weapon.
Granite Endurance
Until the end of you next turn, Stone's Endurance racial power also grants 5 temp hit points.
Long Strider
+1 to speed
Trojan Horse
Spend healing surge target gets your healing surge value but takes on-going 5 damage on subsequent rounds (save ends)
Play it again, Sam.
Spend an action point take no action, deal extra melee basic attack damage to the same targets as previous melee basic attack
Holy Hand Grenade
Once per day you may change an at-will or encounter divine power from melee to area burst 1 with in 5 squares
Cadean Victory
Steal a healing surge from an adjacent ally to re-roll missed attack plus the enemy grants Combat Advantage until end of next turn
Achilles' child
The first attack against you in an encounter causes only 1 point of damage, no effect on on-going damage beyond the first round
Free Ride
When adjacent to a creature who teleports you may teleport with them as long as there is an available adjacent space to arrive in
Tailor's Might
You may drop one die of melee damage to attack up to seven creatures adjacent to you.
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